927.975 MHz, S. Central Austin

Public-access AllStarLink Simplex Node. Tone 151.4 Hz.


The 927.9750 MHz (simplex) AllStarLink node is a public-access node meaning that users are free to connect to it and from it as they desire (being mindful of other users, of course).

The system runs on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ board with a Kenwood TK-941, and into a KP-20 antenna at the AI5A home QTH.

The system has decent coverage extending to the north. It carries several local nets as well as often linking into the K5TRA 927-Tech network.

Additionally, it constantly streams to YouTube at stream.ai5a.net. The nets that it carries get individual YouTube "broadcasts" so that they are archived automatically by YouTube for playback later. So if you miss a net and want to catch up, check out the YouTube channel!

Nets Heard on This Node

👀 Wednesday Night UT Austin Net

Wednesdays, 20:00 local time

This Wednesday evening net is brought to you by the University of Texas at Austin Amateur Radio Club (N5XU). It is a directed, social net open to all amateurs with a slight focus on the happenings of the N5XU club.

It takes place Wednesday nights at 20:00 local on this repeater and on the rest of the KA5D system.

👀 Thursday Night Oak Hill Amateur Radio Club Net

Thursdays, 20:00 local time

This net, brought to you by the Oak Hill Amateur Radio Club right here in Austin, is a long-running, directed, social net that takes place weekly on Thursdays at 20:00 local time.

The net opens with taking short-time check-ins, briefly tests your knowledge of the general or extra class question pool with a question or two asked to the net, and then moves on to a "news and nuggets" section. In this section, a brief article, usually relating to ham radio, is read out over the air for discussion. After this, club news and updates are given. Finally, the net moves on to the social portion of the net, taking check-ins from all over the world (via AllStarLink and Echolink). Each person has a chance to tell people what they've been up to, and then the floor is opened up for comments and replies.

This is a fun, informative net and is a great way to find people with similar radio interests to collaborate with. Check it out.

👀 Friday Night Oak Hill Trivia Net

Fridays, 21:00 local time

This net, also brought to you by the Oak Hill Amateur Radio Club is run by Rusty/WZ5BBS.

Participants play trivia by checking in on a web-based system. Questions are read aloud on the repeater (and links), and social jesting is also encouraged.

Think you're good at trivia? Join in and get your name on the leaderboards, Friday nights at 21:00 local time.